Al Michaels Has Never Eaten A Vegetable In His Life ‘I’ve Proven Man Doesn’t Need Vegetables To Survive’

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78-year-old legendary NFL broadcaster Al Michaels has a unique diet.

According to Michaels, he’s never knowingly eaten a vegetable in his entire life.

“I was born when my parents were 18…they let me have the run of the course, and I always pushed the vegetables away to this day. And I guess what I’ve proven, Chris is that man does not need vegetables to survive.”

During a podcast appearance on Barstool’s Pardon My Take, Kirk Herbstreit confirmed Michael’s bizarre eating habits.

“I work on a Saturday night show. When halftime comes, they might throw you a bag of Cheez-It or maybe a sandwich from a local place downstairs. That’s what I’m used to.

[With Michaels], we get to halftime, he’s got steak, shrimp—he doesn’t touch the mashed potatoes—and they’ve got like real silverware and a plate.

You only have eight minutes in halftime in the NFL, but as soon as halftime’s over, headphones are off, back behind the screen, and they’ve got a table set, and it’s like fine dining for eight minutes; it’s just he’s eating and talking.

It blew me away. I was not expecting that.

Jorge Alonso BroBible avatar
Brobible sports editor. Jorge is a Miami native and lifelong Heat fan. He has been covering the NBA, MLB and NFL professionally for almost 10 years, specializing in digital media.