Kayaker Becomes First Person To Ever Run The ‘Terminator Rapid’ In Patagonia After Insane 24 Hour Rainfall

white water river rapids in Patagonia, Chile

iStockphoto / Sergey Strelkov

History was just made by white water kayaker Aniol Serrasolses who became the first person to run the ‘Terminator Rapid’ on Patagonia‘s Futaléufu River at historic water levels.

To be clear, he is not the first person to ever run the rapid, but he is the first person to ever paddle the rapid with the water this high after the Futaléufu River received 90mm of rain in 24 hours which is about 3.5 inches. That turned one of the most powerful stretches of any river on planet earth that kayakers paddle into an absolute nightmare for anyone but the most skilled kayakers.

Aniol Serrasolses Runs Terminator Rapid On Patagonia’s Futaléufu River At Record Water Levels

Footage of his run has made it to Aniol’s Instagram where it lays out just how treacherous this paddle was for him:

Someone in the comments joked that he “gets waterboarded for a living” because of the sheer amount of water that he must’ve swallowed while bombing down those rapids.

And of all the white water kayakers in the world it was, of course, Aniol Serrasolses who had to be the first to pull this off. Firstly because he and his brother are the kings of white water kayaking in Chile’s Patagonia region but more so because this dude knows how to go FULL SEND harder than anyone.

Here is a clip from a few weeks ago of him paddling over a 106 foot waterfall:

I’m not saying that people like this have a death wish but they certainly don’t seem to have the same healthy fear of death that 99.999% of the rest of the population does.

As for Patagonia, it is home to some of the most insane whitewater paddling opportunities on planet earth. Don’t believe me? Check this out.