Cleveland Browns quarterback Baker Mayfield gets a lot of flack from fans and the media, much of it his (or his wife’s) own doing, but that fact that a commercial he appears in for Progressive is terrorizing the nation’s dogs can’t really be laid at his feet.
You know the one. It’s the one where Mayfield pretends that FirstEnergy Stadium, home of the Browns, is where he lives. In it we see the QB setting up a sprinkler on the field then walking around searching for the source of a smoke alarm that’s beeping somewhere in the building.
Yeah, the one. Well, this particular Progressive commercial has been driving so many dogs crazy with its smoke alarm beeps people have actually started a petition and appealed to PETA in an effort to ban it.
Progressive: STOP the PROGRESSIVE/Baker Mayfield smoke alarm commercial! It TERRORIZES dogs! – Sign the Petition! https://t.co/6iYa4dlJ3h via @Change
— janis millu (@ijanis51) December 4, 2019
Dog Lovers Unite! It’s time that we take action against Progressive, Baker Mayfield, and the terrible ‘low battery smoke alarm’ commercial that somehow made it through to television (it’s obvious that no dog owners were on the approval panel).
Every.single.time that this commercial comes on, I have to start singing/screaming as loud as I can, while simultaneously looking frantically for the remote to change the channel, in an attempt to drown out the faint smoke alarm beep at the beginning of the commercial that sends two of my three dogs into a fit of terror. The beeping only gets louder as the commercial drags on, so my screaming can only mask the first couple of beeps. I can’t tell which is the smoke alarm commercial when it first starts (it simply starts with Baker and a pop-up that says “At Home with Baker Mayfield”), so now I am screaming and looking for the remote at least 30 times during one football game (they have at least 10 ads with him and a minimum of one comes on every commercial break), so needless to say, it gets very tiresome – to the point where I’m wondering if it’s even worth watching the NFL games.
If your pup is as bothered by the unnecessary beeping as mine, please sign and spread the word!
#progressivehatesdogs #bakerhatesdogs #nflhatesdogs
@ask_progressive @peta – lot of people complaining about your smoke alarm commercial triggering their dog’s anxiety. I’m another one of those people. Not cool.
— jo$iah$ (@josiahsp) December 2, 2019
Hey, @Progressive. I would like to request stopping the #Baker commercial with the smoke alarm beep. 1. My dog literally shakes after hearing this beep. 2. My wife and I have to rush to find the remote to turn off your commercial/mute it. 3. Baker hasn’t been good @Reflog_18
— Chris Pope (@CP_322) December 2, 2019
.@Progressive smoke alarm commercial makes my dog freak out and is the exact reason why I have Liberty Mutual.
— Bucky With The Good Hair (@Bucky_Todd) December 2, 2019
Motion to get the #Progressive commercial with the smoke alarm to stop being played. My parents dog is extremely scared of that noise and she shakes in fear for several minutes every time it plays 😭 we try to catch it in time and mute it but we aren’t always successful 😭😭 pic.twitter.com/cgqUC1g7Mo
— Peach (@peachykhaleesi_) November 29, 2019
Hey @Progressive, focus group your @bakermayfield smoke alarm commercial with some dog owners…
— Chuck Hansen (@TheChuckHansen) November 30, 2019
@Progressive @bakermayfield Why do you hate dogs so much? #Progressivehatesdogs
— Sarah (@sel0811) December 1, 2019
Other comments on YouTube include…
“Funny ad, but drives my dog insane. Thanks, Progressive. Can’t leave sports channels on now.”
“Progressive, please take this off the air. It bothers my dog when it comes on. She’s been hiding upstairs for a couple of hours.”
“Thanks for completely freaking my dog out with the smoke alarm beep! Makes me want to start shopping around for new insurance.”
“My dog runs to her crate every time this commercial airs and hides until she feels safe again. Definitely does not make
me want to support this company. I admit it was funny at first but I see what it does to my girl and the laughs are completely over.”
“I thought I was the only one who had a dog freak out over a tv commercial…until I read these comments. Have to hit the mute button whenever this comes on.”
Forget the Peloton ad, this is the real commercial everyone should be getting so upset about.