Brett Favre Asks To Be Removed From Mississippi Welfare Scandal And He’s Getting Torched For It

Brett Favre Asks To Be Removed From Mississippi Welfare Scandal

Getty Image / Ronald Martinez

Brett Favre alleged involvement in this Mississippi welfare scandal remains ongoing. We could be coming near a conclusion, but everything is still very much under trial. Now, more information comes to light. Regardless, the former quarterback’s latest decision about the situation has many roasting him online.

According to AP News, Brett Favre is straight up asking to be removed from the Mississippi welfare trial. Apparently, his attorney “filed papers on Monday saying the Mississippi Department of Human Services ‘groundlessly and irresponsibly seeks to blame Favre for its own grossly improper and unlawful handling of welfare funds and its own failure to properly monitor and audit.'”

Brett Favre’s attorney continues by claiming, “Including Favre in this lawsuit has had the intended effect — it has attracted national media attention to this case.”

This is still a messy situation. However, many can’t get over the balls it would take to just simply ask the court to remove yourself from the trial. As you can imagine, nearly everyone is roasting Brett Favre once again.

This Mississippi welfare scandal has a lot of moving parts.

You live and learn I guess.

We’ll see how the court responds to this latest development. As of now, Brett Favre’s possible involvement in this scandal is long from over. Look for more information to come to light in the coming months. It’s hard to imagine the court accepting Favre’s dismissal proposal. However, it’s still something to monitor.