A wild scene broke out during tonight’s WWE Hall of Fame ceremony.
While Bret Hart was speaking to the crowd a crazed fan jumped in the ring and attacked him before getting quickly subdued by security.
A fan rushed the stage at the #WWEHOF ceremony and tackled Bret Hart during his speech.#WWE Network feed was cut immediately. https://t.co/lGKtehJrac
— Mark Suleymanov (@TheMARKOut1) April 7, 2019
Disgusting. #WWEHOF
Should've let Travis Browne go at him for a few seconds. pic.twitter.com/MCb0gLUGcR
— 𝕽𝖆𝖓𝖉𝖞 (@NXTFanNation) April 7, 2019
While the broadcast feed cut out there were several fan made videos of the attack.
This is probably the best angle of the incident involving a fan (and I use that term loosely) attacking Bret Hart. Disgusting. This guy deserved everything he got in the aftermath. Glad to hear Bret was OK and able to resume his speech. #WWEHOFhttps://t.co/6j1Rf8pkMb pic.twitter.com/pXwDdcIo6s
— Chamatkar Sandhu (@SandhuMMA) April 7, 2019
What the hell just happened?!?! Some dude attacked Bret The hitman Heart during his speech! #WWEHOF pic.twitter.com/Z0woLb3NJO
— SunnyTweed (@Sunnytweed) April 7, 2019
Tommy McGrogan regarding Bret Hart being attacked at #WWEHOF: "Wrestlers rushed the ring and security took the guy out. I have footage. Rhonda and edge rushed the ring first before anyway. Strowman is walking back and forth right now. Hes livid." #WWE @nodqdotcom pic.twitter.com/V6205jf0bU
— SA Wrestling Club (@sawrestlingclub) April 7, 2019
Fan tackles Brett Hart at the Hall of Fame awards and gets destroyed by wrestlers and Rhonda Rousey’s husband. Nothing fake about this! pic.twitter.com/WKdE6KVLlB
— Danny Albers (@daboss00701) April 7, 2019
Can't believe what we just witnessed. Didn't want to film any longer. MAKES ME SICK TO MY STOMACH. #WWEHOF pic.twitter.com/3aw6z2azVI
— Wrestling (@WrestlinggNewss) April 7, 2019
A fan jumped into the ring during the Hart Foundation speech and tackled Bret Hart. This is the aftermath #WWEHOF pic.twitter.com/yEfgb7oXiW
— BrotherE (@TheBrotherE) April 7, 2019
Bret Hart attacked during his speech on the Anvil …. for shoot #WWEHOF pic.twitter.com/ExhiIR8u0D
— Champ Creed (@ChampCreed) April 7, 2019