Former ESPNer Britt McHenry Took A Low Blow At Craig Sager’s Son On The Anniversary Of His Father’s Death

Former ESPN broadcaster Britt McHenry can’t seem to stop trolling people on Twitter this week. After slut-shaming Mia Khalifa on Twitter last night, McHenry is back in the mud after insulting former UGA football player and journalist Craig Sager Jr on the one-year anniversary of his father’s death.

It started on Wednesday night, when McHenry and Craig Sager Jr.’s ex-girlfriend came to blows on social media. McHenry ended up blocking Brenna Simon, with McHenry ending everything by slinging some serious mud.

Here’s how McHenry went full Regina George online this morning:

That’s pretty low on the anniversary of their father’s passing. Then again, Mean Girls gonna Mean Girl. And it was just a pretty innocuous response to a tweet asking about Craig Jr:

This prompted a very understandable reaction from Sager Jr’s sister, basketball blogger Kacy Sager, in defense of her brother while also reinforcing her father’s kindhearted legacy:

McHenry just got dunked on. You know that her old man is out there somewhere in the ether smiling about it. Shout out to Kacy Sager for punching back. Sometimes you gotta punch up when the trolls punch down.

Brandon Wenerd is BroBible's publisher, helping start this site in 2009. He lives in Los Angeles and likes writing about music and culture. His podcast is called the Mostly Occasionally Show, featuring interviews with artists and athletes, along with a behind-the-scenes view of BroBible. Read more of his work at Email: