Of Course Colin Cowherd Hated On Baker Mayfield For Shotgunning A Beer At A Baseball Game

colin cowherd baker mayfield shotgunning beer

The Herd

There was once a time when being the quarterback for the Cleveland Browns was a veritable death sentence as far as your career was concerned, as the likes of Johnny Manziel, Colt McCoy, and Brady Quinn all saw themselves fall victim to the curse that came with playing the position for the team.

Thanks to two of the most impressively unimpressive seasons in NFL history, the Browns managed to land the first pick in the NFL Draft in consecutive years, and as of 2018, it appeared the QB jinx had finally been broken thanks to Baker Mayfield, who helped the team finish with a respectable (at least for them) 7-8 record when everything was said and done.

Mayfield is the closest thing Cleveland has had to a savior since LeBron James swooped in to help the Cavaliers turn things around and has already cemented himself as a beloved figure in the city, and over the weekend, he added to his legend when he pumped up the crowd at an Indians game by shotgunning a beer in impressive fashion.

After Mayfield pulled off the move, the Indians Twitter account decided to fire a shot at Colin Cowherd, who has a long and storied history of taking issue with basically everything the quarterback does.

It turns out their prediction wasn’t too far off based on comments Cowherd decided to make on his show on Monday.

I can’t tell you what sort of trauma Cowherd must have suffered as a child to hate fun as much as he does but I can tell you he might want to talk to someone about it.