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While it feels like it’s been two years since the sports world hit the pause button in North America, it’s actually only been just over a month and the truth of the matter is that nobody knows just how long we’re actually going to be sitting on pause.
The PGA Tour has made headlines by announcing that it plans to return to action in mid-June, but outside of golf, question marks surround every major sport in the country and perhaps the biggest question mark is hovering over college football.
While there have been reports that the start of college football season may be delayed until next spring, a recent survey shows that athletic directors around the country are confident that the season will take place this year in one shape or another.
Stadium conducted a survey in which it contacted a total of 130 Football Bowl Subdivision (FBS) athletic directors. Of those 130 AD’s, 114 of them took part in the anonymous survey and 99% of them claimed the season will take place.
The question still remains of when the season will actually take place, however, and 75% of the athletic directors expect the season to be delayed.
Sixty-one percent of the ADs predict the season won’t start until October or November, while 14 percent think the season won’t begin until the spring semester in January or February. One Power Five athletic director doesn’t expect the season to be played at all because of the impact of COVID-19.
One power five AD gave his thoughts about what if the worst-case scenario does indeed come true and the 2020-21 season doesn’t get played and the AD said that it would be worse than the Great Depression.
“There’s too much money at stake, it impacts too many people,” a Power Five AD said. “If there’s no football, we will have bigger issues. This will be worse than the Great Depression and make the 1930s look like a cakewalk.”
The college football season is scheduled to begin on August 29 with Notre Dame and Navy set to do battle in Ireland.