It’s no secret that attending an NFL game for the average beer drinking bro will take a hit on the wallet after paying for the ticket, food, and many a drink. The average price for a ticket in the 2016 season was about $86, beer about $7.40, and a hot dog is about $5.29. The Raiders are the biggest criminals of them all, as one one 12 ounce beer at a Raider’s home game will cost you an NFL-leading $10.75. The hot dog for $6.75 is also the most expensive dog in the league, according to Food Beast.
Welp, the Atlanta Falcons are doing everything they can to soften the blow of the Super bowl by offering fan-friendly prices in their new home opening August 26, Mercedes-Benz Stadium.
Tweeted by ESPNs Darren Rovell:

Twitter/Darren Rovell
I’d estimate I drink about 2 beers a quarter, 8 a game, maybe more if my team is losing. But we’ll use 8 as our benchmark. Going off the average stadium beer price of $7.40 for 8 beers, the average fan in another stadium will spend about $59.20 during a game on beers alone. In Atlanta’s Mercedes-Benz stadium, a fan will spend $40 for those same 8 beers. That is nearly a $20 savings that can be spent on buying Kleenex to wipe up the tears from Super Bowl LI.
Too soon.
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[h/t The Falcons Wire]