Somebody hit the wrong button at the A-10 Tournament Championship on Sunday. A premature confetti drop forced the most exciting delay in college basketball history with 18 minutes left to play.
It sent the crowd into a frenzy!
Everything went according to plan through the first 22 minutes of the game. Duquesne held a 15-point lead as VCU brought the ball up the court down 38-23.
And then the premature celebration struck!
Out of nowhere, red, white and blue streamers started to fall from the ceiling of the Barclays Center in Brooklyn. An employee behind-the-scenes must have sneezed and bumped into the confetti button.
Funny enough, very little of the confetti actually landed on the court. Most of it fell onto the front row of the crowd— which, of course, was delighted by the hilarious surprise.
Especially the Dukes in attendance, who loved that the streamers were in their school’s colors.
To make it even better, Kevin Harlan was on the call for CBS. His ability to make something that is relatively mundane into the most exciting thing you’ve ever heard is a testament to his greatness.
It was the most perfect call for the most perfect premature confetti drop!
I can confidently say that I have never before seen too-early confetti cause a college basketball game to be delayed. This was a first, for me at least.
However, now that I have seen it happen in real-time, I would like to push for this to become a completely normal part of the sport. Every single program in the country should have confetti at the ready for an unannounced and completely spontaneous mid-game confetti drop.
There has never been a more exciting delay in history!
Interestingly enough, the Rams actually went on a 10-0 run after the colors of their opponent fell onto the floor in form of confetti. Perhaps it is a curse?