Cris Collinsworth Apologizes For His Comments About Female Steelers Fans

Cris Collinsworth Apologizes For His Comments About Female Steelers Fans

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In case you missed it, because you were, you know, at your job, during Wednesday’s game between the Baltimore Ravens and Pittsburgh Steelers, Sunday Night Football (Wednesday Afternoon Football?) analyst Cris Collinsworth caught a lot of flak for some comments he made about female Steelers fans during the broadcast.

Collinsworth, who spent six days in Pittsburgh waiting for the game to be played, said he had the chance to speak to a lot of Steelers fans and came away very impressed with how knowledgeable they are, especially the women.

“Everybody’s a fan, in particular, the ladies that I met! They had really specific questions about the game, and I’m like, ‘Wow,’ you’re just blown away by how strong the fans are here in this town,” said Collinsworth.

Yeah, that didn’t go over very well.

Soooo, before the day was over, Collinsworth felt the need to issue an apology for his on air statement about female Steelers fans.

“Today on our broadcast I made reference to a couple of women I met in Pittsburgh who so impressed me with their football knowledge that I wanted to tell their story on the air,” Collinsworth wrote on Twitter. “I know the way I phrased it insulted many. I’m so sorry.

“What I intended as a compliment to the fans of Pittsburgh, became an insult. I’m sick about insulting any fan, but especially female fans and journalists. I know first hand how much harder they have to work than any of us in this industry. I was wrong and deeply apologize.”

Reactions to his apology were, as always, mixed.
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Before settling down at BroBible, Douglas Charles, a graduate of the University of Iowa (Go Hawks), owned and operated a wide assortment of websites. He is also one of the few White Sox fans out there and thinks Michael Jordan is, hands down, the GOAT.