The Dallas Mavericks Flew To China In A Plane So Luxurious I Don’t Think I Can Ever Fly Coach Again

Boeing 777

iStockphoto / travellinglight

The Dallas Mavericks are wrapping up the NBA preseason with a trip to China before finishing it out in Dallas. That means the team had to hop on a plane and fly 14 hours from Dallas to Beijing with the full staff in tow.

Professional athletes always travel in luxury and by themselves. But the average trip is anywhere from 90 minutes to 4.5 hours, not 14 hours. Being a tall person and getting on a commercial airplane is an absolutely miserable experience, or so I’m told.

The seats are made for short people. Even in the First Class cabin, the extra spacious seats aren’t built for dudes who are 7-foot-tall. So what’d the Dallas Mavericks do for this overnight trip to Beijing? They balled out.

I’ve got an overnight international flight coming up in a few months and after seeing how luxurious the Dallas Mavericks‘ travel experience is I’m not sure I’ll be able to make it through the flight in Coach without reconsidering ever decision I’ve made in life that hasn’t led me down a path to owning a private jet. Basically, the entire Boeing 777 is one gigantic First Class cabin.

The Boeing 777 is owned by Crystal AirCruise which operates as kind of a ‘cruise liner of the skies’ with all of the luxury amenities you’d get on a cruise ship packed into an airplane. I’ve flown on small private jets before and it was amazing but also it completely paled in comparison to the level of luxury these Mavs players are experiencing.

Must be nice.

Soul plane? Soul plane.

And here’s my man Dirk strolling the streets of China looking rested as ever, not like he just flew on a 14-hour plane ride.

I haven’t kept up with the Dallas Mavericks nearly as much in recent years as I used to. Back when I was in college they were my team. I’ve just been too busy to follow them lately, but I told myself the other day that I’m rededicating myself to getting back into catching NBA games live this year so look out for some potential Mavs content in the future.

(h/t For The Win)

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Cass Anderson is the Editor-in-Chief of BroBible and a graduate from Florida State University with nearly two decades of expertise in writing about Professional Sports, Fishing, Outdoors, Memes, Bourbon, Offbeat and Weird News, and as a native Floridian he shares his unique perspective on Florida News. You can reach Cass at