Demi Lovato recently said that she was taking a break from music and the spotlight because she’s “not meant for this business and the media.”
So what “business” is she meant for if not music? MMA perhaps?
It’s possible if you ask Jay Glazer, owner of the gym where Lovato trains in mixed martial arts alongside guys like Chuck Liddell and Cung Le.
“She throws elbows better than most of the UFC guys that come in there,” says Glazer. “She’s definitely one of our fighters, without a doubt.”
“She has the mind-set,” he continued. “I wish I could bottle up her mind-set and sell it to all the guys in the UFC. She’s a bad little lioness. Don’t mess with her.”
As for whether Lovato is just using her training to stay in shape or if she’s doing it because she really wants to fight? “She’s brought it up to us a million times,” replied Glazer.
Sure, sure, Jay. We hear you hyping up your pupil, but is she really any good?
That’s…. actually pretty impressive.
And really, she couldn’t do any worse than CM Punk, could she?