Just when you think it’s safe to go back in the water again some drone footage pops up showing a bunch of surfers shredding California’s Pismo Beach (north of Santa Barbara, South of Monterey), and the footage shows surfers pretty much surrounded by massive sharks the entire time they’re in the water. For anyone who grew up on or near the beach footage like this shouldn’t come as a surprise, you know firsthand just how many sharks there are in the water, and you know that the presence of sharks doesn’t mean that there’s a presence of danger.
That said, it’s always unsettling as f*ck to see that many LARGE SHARKS swimming around so close to surfers:
Here are a few of those close calls broken down in GIF:
I like to call this one ‘BRO! PADDLE HARDER!!!!’ because that’s exactly what he needed to do in order to catch that wave:
So. Much. NOPE.
If you’re still in the mood for more surfing content I put up a recap yesterday about my trip last week to Southern California full of fishing, surfing, and Peligroso Tequila. It’s a pretty long read (but has lots of pics + videos), so if that’s something you’re into consider clicking on over!