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The fourth episode of Hard Knocks with the Oakland Raiders aired on HBO Tuesday night in its usual spot at 10 p.m. ET.
HOWEVER, for some reason, the higher-ups at HBO decided that, unlike the first three episodes which all aired at that same time on HBO Now, this week NFL fans who use that streaming service discovered at 10 p.m. ET that they would have to wait as Hard Knocks was delayed an hour and would not air on HBO Now until 11 p.m. ET.
This is where the magic happens 🙌#HardKnocks is back tonight at 10 PM ET/PT pic.twitter.com/c0LOhuxux3
— NFL Films (@NFLFilms) August 27, 2019
Then why is it on at 11:00 pm tonight?
— ☠️RaiderSmiley☠️ (@ricksmiley27) August 28, 2019
So, unless you were one of the 11,000 followers of the @HBONowHelp Twitter account, and happened to check Twitter Tuesday night, you had no clue that anything had changed.
Tonight's EP4 of #HardKnocks will be available on #HBONOW at 11 PM ET. Please check https://t.co/mz40nonR0V for updates.
— @HBONowHelp (@HBONowHelp) August 28, 2019
The irony of Hard Knocks being suddenly put on a one-hour delay for a streaming service named HBO NOW was certainly not lost on furious football fans.
Hey @HBO it’s called HBONOW not HBOLATER!! #HardKnocks
— John (@j_raeth) August 28, 2019
I thought it was called HBO Now, not HBO Wait Another Hour. I gotta work tomorrow. This a great way to lose customers. I want my #HardKnocks
— ronmayott (@ronmayott) August 28, 2019
Time to change your name to HBOThen. https://t.co/gc3yFTKWFS
— Andy Staples (@Andy_Staples) August 28, 2019
This service should be called HBOonDelay pic.twitter.com/ekjUyXmDvc
— False Hope (@8and8forLife) August 28, 2019
I didn't subscribe to @HBOGOhelp to watch Hard Knocks an hour late. Looks like HBO GO bye bye
— Levi Damien (@LeviDamien) August 28, 2019
Marketing director at @HBOGOhelp: How can we increase engagements?
Social media intern: All press is good press@HBO: *delays Hard Knocks*
— Austin Belisle (@austincbelisle) August 28, 2019
Will this be the new normal starting tonight with all of your programming? The other Hard Knocks episodes, GOT were not on delay. Can you clarify? Thanks.
— Jon Blankenship (@jonbship) August 28, 2019
Absolute crap! Entire value proposition of the app is the ability to watch your content LIVE as it airs.
— Andrew (@afleisch_says) August 28, 2019
Was advertised to start at 10! HBO NO
— evildean (@dick38111130) August 28, 2019
At least HBO offered some sort of explanation.
Hi, apologies for the delay. Some Hard Knocks episodes require additional time to be added to HBO NOW due to real-time filming and editing. Tonight’s episode of Hard Knocks is now available. Please refresh your app. Thank you. ^AF
— @HBONowHelp (@HBONowHelp) August 28, 2019
Then why is it available to stream the episode right now if I go through Amazon Prime?
— Skip Gallagher (@SkipOnTwit) August 28, 2019