Nathan Hughes / Red Bull Content Pool
The Red Bull Hardline track is one of the toughest downhill extreme mountain biking runs available to the sport’s elite. It is also home to an annual extreme downhill mountain biking competition held in Wales each year.
Held in the Dyfi Valley in Wales, the Red Bull Hardline track is a magnet for 20 of the best mountain bikers in the world. Not to be confused with the Red Bull Rampage held in Zion, Utah where the riders create their own tracks and pull of extreme tricks, the Hardline is a test of a different nature.
A team from Dutch Drone Gods worked with Red Bull at this year’s Hardline to create first-of-its-kind footage. On the first try, the drone lost signal right as the mountain biking trail hit the treeline. So they had to adapt and overcome and the resulting footage is stunning.
FPV Drone Follows Extreme Mountain Biking Trail At Red Bull Hardline
A shorter version of the clip was also shared to TikTok. The TikTok version is half the length and doesn’t include the initial mishap.
@redbulluk the HARDEST drone shot on the HARDEST mtb course 💥 #redbull #givesyouwiings #mtb
The Red Bull Hardline track in the Dyfi Valley of Wales is often regarded as the most difficult mountain biking trail in the world. That is subjective but if all of the world’s best riders agree then it’s true.
Though, recent footage from a run in The Dolomites in Italy gives this track a run for its money. Footage of that run was shared by French mountain biker Kilian Bron. The trail is so thin it looks like he’s about to fall off a mountain at any given moment.