What If ‘Hamilton’ The Musical Was About LeBron James And The Modern NBA?

When you really think about it, the founding fathers featured in the musical Hamilton and the major stars of the NBA have a lot in common: Both are trying to change the game, both are facing insurmountable pressure from the Alexander Hamilton of the NBA himself, LeBron James. Both are one generation removed from the original revolutionaries a la George Washington and Thomas Jefferson and James Madison era, who could be considered Michael Jordan/Larry Bird/Magic Johnson.

The folks over at Dose made a SPOT-ON Hamilton parody that imagines the musical being told by Steph Curry, D-Wade, Chris Bosh, and LeBron himself.

STEPHEN CURRY: How do you block him, stop him, run out the clock on this Sportsmen, four time MVP, with more time on the court as a freshmen the best of them get celebrated, then hated, then back home fully decorated.

DWYANE WADE: Small forward, father of three, without a father.
Future looking brighter, St Vincent was much whiter, he felt like an outsider, he kept the D tighter. At fourteen, he’s getting watched by each team and every sports writer.

KYRIE IRVING: And every year more people came to see him filling the stands. Had to play in Akron’s stadium to supply those demands. He was close to pro that he could smell that sweet aroma. Went and asked the NBA to let him join with no diploma.

CHRIS BOSH: Then the ‘03 draft came, first pick of the first round. LeBron’s gonna get to drib-dribble, in his home town. L-Train starts his reign, with the Rookie of the year. First time for a Cavalier, bu t the future’s still unclear.

CURRY: The Cavs rebound, three trips to the Eastern conference, makes all star that will give a guy some confidence. Countdown free agency after the olympics. He’s tearing off his jersey and the world’s shouting what next?

LEBRON JAMES: I’m gonna take my talents to South Beach. I’m gonna go join the Miami Heat. There’s a championship I haven’t won.
I just can’t wait, just can’t wait.

I genuinely thought this was Steph for a second.

Brandon Wenerd is BroBible's publisher, helping start this site in 2009. He lives in Los Angeles and likes writing about music and culture. His podcast is called the Mostly Occasionally Show, featuring interviews with artists and athletes, along with a behind-the-scenes view of BroBible. Read more of his work at brandonwenerd.com. Email: brandon@brobible.com