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The following is a breakdown of the best food sources for bro's on a budget. Both the quality of the nutrient and the cost were taken into consideration.
1. Proteins
“Diet experts” and “fitness gurus” will argue all day about carbohydrates and fats. How you shouldn’t do X and don’t ever eat Y and blah blah blah. But none of them will EVER say that you need to limit your protein. In the court of life, protein is the judge, the jury, and the executioner. So, here's where you should be getting it from:
a. Whole Eggs
Amino Acid Rank – 145/160
Cost – Roughly $2.50 dollars for a dozen
And we are talking about the whole egg here, not just the egg whites. The egg yolks have incredibly good fat for you in them, and if you are eating correctly, will not harm you. The only way eating whole eggs become bad for you is if the other meals you’re eating are comprised of lots of fast food that is high in fats. If that doesn’t convince you, 85% of the nutrition value of the egg comes from the yolk
b. Pork and Poultry
Average Amino Acid Rank: 140/160
Cost – Roughly 3-4 dollars per serving
These are the 4 you should focus on:
• Sliced Turkey from the Deli
• Sliced Ham from the Deli
• Pork Chops
• Lean Chicken Breast or tenderloins (tenderloins are easier to cook than the chicken breast).
You should never get ground beef or ground anything. The amino acid profile on grounded meats is about an 84/160. The grounding process kills the nutrient values of what you are eating by the addition of “lesser quality” meats
c. Low-Fat Dairy
Average amino acid profile: 137/160
Cost – Roughly 2-3 dollars per serving
Here are the items you should focus on:
• Skim Milk
• Low Fat Cottage Cheese
• Reduced Fat Cheeses
The reason yogurt is not in there is because, generally, it is not that good for you. Greek yogurt is the best, but can be expensive.
2. Fats
Fats have a bad reputation. Healthy fats do the exact opposite of what you would think. Instead of being stored fat on your body, rather, they help mobilize bad fat away and actually help you lose weight.
On top of this, they improve:
• Skin
• Hair
• Eyes
• Nails
• Hormones
• And many others.
Eating healthy fat will not make you fat. Overeating makes you fat- Not the fat itself. You should get your fats from:
a. Nuts
Healthy fat rating: 9/10
Cost: Roughly $5 per pound
Here is what you should be buying:
• Almonds
• Cashews
• Pistachios
Ranking in at the top spot are certain kinds of nuts. They are filled with monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats which are excellent for you. Those are the best, but there are some you should avoid. Macadamia nuts and pecans are not good options. Their fat to protein ratio is not as good as others.
b. Oils
Healthy Fat Rating 10/10
Cost: Roughly $6 a bottle
Here is what you should buy:
• Extra Virgin Olive Oil
• Fish Oil Supplements (Not used to cook)
• Walnut Oil
Fish oil is on the list because most of us cannot afford to cook fish every night. However, you want to get a serving of the healthy omega 3s found in fish every day.
c. Seeds
Healthy fat rating: 9/10
Cost: Roughly $1-2 per serving
Here is what you should buy:
• Pumpkin Seeds
• Sunflower Seeds
• Flax Seeds
One of the great things about seeds is that very few are “bad for you.” Now, I would not eat a pack of salted sunflower-seeds and call that a healthy meal because of the high amount of sodium. Rather, you should just buy them raw and eat them fresh.
3. Carbohydrates
They have been getting a lot of bad press lately. Regardless of what the experts would like you to believe, this area of nutrition is pretty grey in general. Based upon your diet and a few other factors like your body type, carbs can be the ultimate enemy or your savior. As a general rule, if you are overweight, avoid too many of these except number one:
a. Fresh Vegetables
Quality of the carbohydrate: 5/5
Cost: $1-2 per serving
Here’s what you should buy:
• All the vegetables you like, you really can not go wrong here.
My favorites are broccoli, bell peppers, onions, green beans, and carrots. Grill them in olive oil or just eat them raw. Also, choice a wide variety of color as they indicate a different vitamin found in each one.
b. Fresh Fruits
Quality of Carbohydrate: 5/5
Cost: 1-3 dollars per serving
Here is what you should buy:
• Berries
• Apples
• Oranges
Stick with these three. Berries have natural antioxidants that will keep you looking young and apples and oranges are packed with vitamins. The fruits you should avoid are bananas and honeydew.
c. Whole Grains (Starchy Carbs)
Quality of Carbohydrate: 3/5
Cost: $2-3 per serving
Here is what you should buy:
• Oatmeal
• Brown Rice
• Whole grain pasta (occasionally)
Now, I do not believe that you should be buying these foods as a regular staple into your diet. Getting healthy proteins, fats, fruits, and vegetables are much more valuable to your body. Also, avoid wheat bread because it is not good for you.
See you next week, bros,
Alex Nerney – Certified Personal Trainer, Certified Nutrition Specialist, Lord of Broscience
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