The University of Houston unveiled new ‘Luv Ya Blue’ uniforms for its football team last fall but the NFL tried to shut them down. Roger Goodell and his cronies’ efforts were unsuccessful.
The Cougars told them to kick rocks!
It is impossible to dislike Houston’s alternate kits, which debuted against UTSA last September. They are a tribute to the Oilers and they are absolutely gorgeous.

However, the NFL owns a trademark on the ‘Luv Ya Blue’ look. As a result, the league sent a cease-and-desist letter to the university. It called the uniforms a “blatant copying” of the Titans’ Oilers-inspired throwback jerseys, which is absolutely true.

The NFL threatened legal action if the Cougars did not halt their usage of the look.
Houston doesn’t care. According to the Houston Chronicle, the university is moving forward with plans to add an alternate blue uniform to all sports, not just football.
We literally have a story we can show the city uses it. This isn’t a reach. This is a layup. We’ve got a very defensible position.
— Athletic director Chris Pezman, via The Houston Chronicle
The Cougars used the alternate blue for football, women’s soccer and golf. They are going to roll it out across the board starting in 2024 after weighing legal options.
We’re doing it. We’ve reviewed everything and came to the conclusion that we are going to proceed […]
We’re giving [the NFL] two or three weeks to respond. We’re waiting on a response to see if we get one.
— Athletic director Chris Pezman, via The Houston Chronicle
Here’s the thing.
Houston’s version of the uniforms used a slightly different shade of blue than the Oilers. Although it had similar striping and similar number font, they featured a script ‘Houston’ instead of the oil derrick.
Pezman and the university has been working with an outside firm to design the new uniforms. They also made modifications to the stripes that will further differentiate them from the NFL’s trademark.
The Cougars initially told the league that it did not plan to use the alternate look for merchandising. Those plans have since changed.
Houston’s uniforms were such a big hit that it is moving forward with full steam ahead. Pezman green lit the larger rollout despite the NFL’s request for them to stop. If things get litigious, he and his legal team are fully prepared to present their case!