Howard Stern Is Angry Black NBA Players Don’t Talk To Him At Games

Howard Stern new york knicks courtsite

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Howard Stern is apparently not happy that he doesn’t get acknowledged by black NBA players while at games.

During a recent episode of his show, Stern talked about attending Knicks games for the past 30 years.

Via Mediaite

“The Knicks have been very kind to me,” “They put me right in the front row. That’s when I knew I was famous.”

Stern then proceeded to go on a rant about how black NBA players don’t walk up to him while he’s sitting courtside.

“They put me courtside! And the Black players won’t come over and say hello to me,” “But they go over to Spike Lee.”

“I’ll be sitting next to Tracy Morgan or Chris Rock. You know, they seat you where they seat you. And a lot of times when I’m there, I’m next to Tracy Morgan, who is so funny. And he’s sitting there and like, a couple of the players will come over. They like give him that bro shake and stuff. And I’m like — these guys should hug me too,” Stern continued. “I mean, what am I? I grew up in a Black neighborhood, you know what I mean? I mean they should know that. But I get ignored.”

The self-proclaimed “king of all media” said he hopes it’s a racial thing that he’s not being acknowledged and not about his personality.

“I want them to. I want them to talk to me, I want them to come over and go, ‘Hey Howard, fan of the show!’ Or something. I don’t get that. And, you know who comes up to me sometimes — the referees. White guys and Black guys, they’ll come up to me, White referees and Black. Like, ‘Hey Howard, hey.’ But yeah, a lot of the White referees. So I’m like, oh, is everything racial now?”

“I just get upset. I’m like, you know, fame to me is very important. I’ll admit it. I like people to recognize me,” Stern said. “I’d like to think it’s a white thing, not my personality. I hope it’s racial. That’s all.”

NBA fans ripped into Stern for his comments.

H/T Awful Announcing

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Jorge Alonso is a BroBible Sports Editor who has been covering the NBA, NFL, and MLB professionally for over 10 years, specializing in digital media. He isa Miami native and lifelong Heat fan.