Instagram / James Harrison
Have you ever looked at a chihuahua and wondered ‘how in the heck did that little rat evolve from wolves?’ That’s how I feel when I compare myself to James Harrison. Obviously, I’m the chihuahua in this scenario. I see clips of James Harrison working out and can’t fathom how he and I are part of the same species.
Above, James is pushing a literal shit ton of 45-pound plates across the field. There are 31 of these 45-pound plates to be exact, and that comes to a grand total of 1,395-pounds that James Harrison is pushing….at 39-years-old.
As noted on Deadspin, this isn’t the only ridiculous workout that James Harrison’s been up to lately. In fact, he’s finding new and innovated ways to lift weights that hurt my back just watching:
Deadspin’s got a full roundup of the most asinine recent workouts from James Harrison, and I highly suggest checking them all out.
I once tore my lateral meniscus playing dodgeball. I went to spin out of the way from a ball and my foot got stuck in the grass, lodged in place, and I spun around my leg and tore the ligament. That was when I was 18 years old and probably in the best shape of my life. James Harrison is 39-years-old and in better shape than 99.9999% of the population SINCE THE BEGINNING OF TIME. Pretty unbelievable.