Jim Harbaugh Acting Like It Is Completely Normal To Wear Khakis In A Cold Tub Adds To His Folklore

Jim Harbaugh Cold Tub
Getty Image / iStockphoto

Jim Harbaugh is the most interesting man in the NFL. The 60-year-old head coach made his triumphant return to the pros in January and continues to provide endless entertainment.

His approach to cold tubs is perhaps the funniest thing about him, and that says a lot.

Harbaugh is rarely seen in public without his signature look, which is rooted in five key articles of clothing. He tucks a collared shirt into a pair of khakis with a belt and is rarely seen without a hat and/or glasses. It is iconic!

We first found out in March that Harbaugh does not remove a single article of clothing before he hops in the cold tub after practice. Former Michigan defensive back Josh Wallace’s first impression of his college head coach was a jarring visual. He turned the corner in the team facility to find Harbaugh submerged in sub-60-degree water while wearing his khakis and a polo shirt.

Even though his job has changed, Harbaugh’s approach to the cold tub has not.

Joey Bosa had a similar experience to Wallace. The 29-year-old edge rusher is a big fan of his new head coach. However, he — like everybody — has yet to figure him out.

Bosa recently encountered Harbaugh in the cold tub and learned of his unusual outfit for the first time. Not only does he wear the same khakis and shirt, he does not even remove his belt!

As Bosa said, this is right on brand for Harbaugh. It also creates a hilarious mental picture.

Once Harbaugh finishes his plunge, he eventually has to get out of the tub. And if he’s wearing all of his clothes, they are obviously soaking wet. Khakis, polo shirt, belt— everything. Dripping from head to toe.

Jim Harbaugh does not care about societal norms. He marches to the beat of his own drum!