Jim Harbaugh Wants To Know If People Find Whining Attractive And It DEFINITELY Didn’t Backfire

Jim Harbaugh is at it again on Twitter, but this time it has nothing to do with Ric Flair, bizarre recruit sleepovers, or WrestleMania. The madman of a head coach simply wants to know if people find whining to be an attractive trait.

This question itself is obviously a subtle dig at the SEC for seemingly doing everything it can to stop his upcoming practice invasion of their precious Florida territory over spring break.

But really, this is like Kayne subtly calling someone out for being arrogant. Or Cam Newton dropping a subtweet at someone for their severe lack of class and composure. Or Skip Bayless taking a stand against trolling.

Come on, Jimmy. A little self-awareness would do wonders before you share your inner-most thoughts with the masses. Because… well, because Twitter acts fast.


So far, the answer is NO.

Again, no.


Definitely not.

Jesus, Jim, NO.


Wow, this is one spectacular collection that quite clearly says NO.

But I will say this, Jim. Your version of whining is fucking hilarious. So please, please, whatever you do, don’t ever change your unique sideline demeanor.

[H/T @CoachJim4UM]