John Cena Shared Some Fitness Tips That Even Us Mere Mortals Can Use To Live A Better Life

john cena fitness tips

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16-time WWE Champion John Cena, as we all very well know by now, is not human. Between his mind-blowing feats of strength and his ability recover from major injuries far faster than the average human, he’s just a freak of nature. (Even his marriage proposals put us regular dudes to shame.)


So when a guy like Cena decides he’s going to dole out some actual practical fitness advice, advice that us normal people can use to get and stay in shape, he has my attention.

Speaking to The Cut, Cena had this to say about various aspects of working out…

A lot of people enjoy general fitness, so what a lot of people do, I don’t. I do very low repetitions in the one-to-three-to-five range. A lot of the workouts take a long time, and to an innocent bystander, they would be boring AF. I found what I like to do and what keeps me goal-oriented, so that when I get out of the gym I’m like, “I can’t wait until I go back next time to try to do better than I did this time.”

Cena also shared his best wellness hack…

The whole thing is a hack — legit, we’re all overthinking it. Print that: We’re all overthinking it. It’s just, we know the way to be healthier because we always tell ourselves, I need a trainer. Why? Because you’re not moving around enough. Move around some, make good choices, and just do it every day, be consistent. The moment when you’re like, Ah, I don’t want to do this. Stop. And if you really don’t want to do it — you haven’t found the right thing yet.

Nicole and I train very differently, but we both love what we do. So she goes one way to do a workout, I go another way, and we both come back exhausted and fulfilled, ready to attack the day and do it again tomorrow. She loves Pure Barre, but I wouldn’t last a second there. And if I were to walk into Pure Barre every day, I would hate my life, because I would hate it. But she loves it — just like I wouldn’t ask her to do 102 percent of her max for a clean and jerk, or do a 60-week squat protocol that leads up to a 105 percent rep max. That’s what I do, and that’s what I enjoy.

So it’s just about finding what you like. The whole thing is a hack, because we always overthink it. I’ve got to do XYZ with my diet, and I’ve got to do everything… Just make good choices, man. You know what’s good for you, and you know what’s bad for you.

So there you go, if you aren’t saying, “I can’t wait until I go back next time to try to do better than I did this time,” when you go to the gym, then you need to find something there that does make you say that.

Good stuff.

Check out the rest of Cena’s very informative interview where he also discusses his skin-care routine, eating clean and dieting, his work with the Make-A-Wish Foundation, and what he does after a WWE match over at The Cut.

Douglas Charles headshot avatar BroBible
Douglas Charles is a Senior Editor for BroBible with two decades of expertise writing about sports, science, and pop culture with a particular focus on the weird news and events that capture the internet's attention. He is a graduate from the University of Iowa.