Johnny Manziel Could Be In Legal Trouble For Partying In Same Nightclub As Ex-GF Who Has Restraining Order On Him

Johnny Manziel could be in a little bit of legal trouble and may have violated a restraining order on Sunday night.

Johnny celebrated New Year’s day Sunday night at LIV nightclub in Miami, according videos posted on his Snapchat account. That in itself wouldn’t be an issue, but TMZ Sports points out that Manziel was in the same club as ex-girlfriend Colleen Crowley, who has a restraining order on the former Browns star QB for a domestic incident that occurred in early 2016.


Johnny and ex-GF Colleen Crowley each posted on social media they were at LIV night club in Miami Sunday night, but thing is … she’s got a restraining order against him.
As we previously reported … Manziel struck a deal last month in which he agreed to complete anger management courses, keep his nose clean and not have any contact with Crowley for a year …
in return, his criminal case would be dismissed.

It’s unclear if they actually had any contact in the club, but this is the first time they’ve been publicly seen at the same place since the Jan. 2016 incident.
Interesting note — Manziel has since deleted the social media posts in question

Manziel heard about his ex being at the same club as him on New Year’s and posted a screenshot of the restraining order on Snapchat with the caption “”She knows LIV on Sunday is church! Pfff surprised she was even able to get in without me.”

We’re not sure if Manziel knew Crowley was at the club in the first place but it seems like he always puts himself in these terrible situations.

Jorge Alonso BroBible avatar
Jorge Alonso is a BroBible Sports Editor who has been covering the NBA, NFL, and MLB professionally for over 10 years, specializing in digital media. He isa Miami native and lifelong Heat fan.