After Being Accused Of Placing 8,900+ Illegal Bets The Charges Against Kayshon Boutte Were Dropped

Kayshon Boutte former LSU wide receiver

Getty Image / Todd Kirkland

When allegations of illegal underage gambling against former LSU wide receiver Kayshon Boutte came out they weren’t just shocking because of the audacity of a player to bet on his own sport, it was the alleged volume of the infractions that blew everyone’s minds.

Going back to January of this year when the news broke, the former LSU wide receiver was alleged to have place over 8,900 bets including “at least 17 bets on NCAA football games” and of those 17, six involved LSU according to ESPN’s Mike Reiss. Now, months later, the charges have been dropped and the saga has come to a strange close.

Reiss reported on Tuesday that the state of Louisiana had “dropped the underage gambling and computer fraud charges against Kayshon Boutte” but there was no explanation of why.

According to reports, after Kayshon Boutte was drafted by the New England Patriots he still continue to place bets under the ‘alias account’ for another week despite it being strictly prohibited by the NFL’s gambling policy. At the time, conspiracy theories ran rampant and this video of Kayshon Boutte melting down against FSU looked very different once it was revealed he had placed wagers involving LSU:

In Louisiana, the legal age to place bets on sports is 21 and he was only 20 years old at the time the bulk of these wagers were place during his time at LSU prior to being drafted in the 6th round by the Patriots.

The NFL had announced earlier this year their intentions to launch an investigation into the behavior, according to Fox News. Boutte had been a full participant in Spring practices with the Patriots and proceeding as if no suspensions or issues were on the horizon, and the state of Louisiana has not released any information on why they opted to drop the charges.