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Kevin Durant is one of the most sensitive athletes in the modern sports era. Durant, who has been known to respond to critics online using a burner account, made it known early this year that he’s not a fan of the “blog boys”.
Via NBC Sports
Can I make a PSA real quick? All your blog boys and your fanboys that’s gonna use everything I say and create an article — watch a basketball game. How about you write that. I just want to say that, because all these guys are gonna write articles and get real mad about what I said tonight … they’re gonna put their emotions into it. It’s not about you. Watch a basketball game. Enjoy the game. Stop worrying about me so much. I just wanted to say that.”
“That’s the perception of it all — we’re just immortal. We’re normal fu**ing people who are really good at what we do. But at the end of the day, we go to sleep just like everybody else. We really put on our pants just like everybody else … it made me realize that I am not king anything because we won a championship.”
Tonight, Durant couldn’t help himself and went after 17 year-old Kalyb Champion for questioning his leadership in an Instagram post.