MMA fighter Kimbo Slice died on Monday at the young age of 42-years-old. There are now details on the early demise of Kimbo Slice and they are tragic.
Slice, who’s real name is Kevin Ferguson, was admitted to Northwest Medical Center in Margate, Florida on Friday. Slice complained of “severe abdominal pain, shortness of breath and nausea,” according to information the hospital reported to the Broward County medical examiner.
Medical examinations discovered a liver mass and congestive heart failure, and was placed on a ventilator in intensive care. Kimbo’s health deteriorated and diagnosed with heart failure. Ferguson’s family was told that the infamous street fighter needed a heart transplant, according to the South Florida Sun Sentinel.
Kimbo was being prepared to be transferred to a facility in Cleveland, where he could be placed on an organ donor list. However, Kevin Ferguson died at 7:30 p.m. on Monday before he could be transported.
The report stated Slice had no history of illicit drug use, and trauma and foul play were not suspected in his death.
Mike Imber, Slice’s longtime manager and childhood friend, detailed the sorrowful ordeal:
“He went to Germany around March and got really sick while he was there. I don’t know what he thought it was, but he just felt sick. On Friday (June 3), he had bad chest pains and went to the hospital. I went and visited him on Friday and he seemed OK. I didn’t feel like I was going to lose my friend in two days, by any means. He seemed concerned, but he seemed all right. I talked to him that Saturday and Sunday, and he was still in the hospital. I said, ‘something’s not right.’ On Monday, his wife called and told me he had stopped breathing.”
Slice was scheduled to fight James Thompson at Bellator 158 on July 16 in London.
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