Molly Qerim Of ‘First Take’ Dunks On Stephen A. Smith After Knicks Playoff Loss

Stephen A. Smith at the Knicks game

Getty Image / Allen Berezovsky

The New York Knicks got eliminated in the NBA Playoffs by the Miami Heat on Friday and the fanbase is still recovering from the loss.

Even Stephen A. Smith was in his sorrows on First Take. Especially after host Molly Qerim took her chance to absolutely dunk on him.

It started out as a segment poking fun at Smith for his excitement watching the Knicks advance to the second round of the postseason.

But then things took a turn when the cameras came back to the studio. Stephen A. Smith looked down in the dumps and Molly Qerim just poured it on. Kendrick Perkins couldn’t help but laugh.

Luckily, Stephen A. Smith and Knicks fans have had several days to cope. But this is a brutal way to start your week if you’re Smith.

It seemed like Qerim acted like she was holding back but she really wasn’t.

I mean, ESPN even renamed him “Saddened A. Smith” while he attempted to rebuttal.

Just an all around classic troll job from the First Take crew. NBA fans couldn’t agree more.

Karma could possibly be at play.

Silver lining is that Molly Qerim noticed Stephen A. Smith’s weight loss.

Once she got the ball rolling there was no stopping it.

It’ll be interesting to see what New York does in the offseason, as this team clearly needs help.

Hopefully, the Knicks build a championship roster because Knicks fans like Stephen A. Smith are at their wits end.