Olympic gold-medal winning skier Lindsey Vonn is a bit of a freak of nature. Not only does she seem to recover from injuries way faster than the average human being, she’s also WAY stronger than she looks.
Remember when she busted up her leg back in 2015 yet she didn’t let it keep her from working out?
Even on a surfboard?
Then, you may recall, back in November of last year Vonn broke her arm and shared some GNARLY photos of her injury post-surgery? Get ready to drive heave a little…
Yeah, no, that didn’t slow her down one bit either…
She even wiped out again in her return just for good measure…
So it comes as very little surprise that Vonn shared a video over the weekend doing what she calls a “Mission Impossible” ab workout…
Yeah, I couldn’t do that. Nope.
It’s obviously working out well for her though, both for skiing as well as for date night as she captioned the next set of pics, “Date night! Good thing I did all that core work! 😜 #keeptheabstight.”
Are we sure she isn’t some kind of android? Just sayin’… sheesh.