Luka Doncic Getting Bashful About Taking His Shirt Off In Public Proves Pro Athletes Are Just Like Us

Kevin C. Cox/Getty Images

Think of yourself at 22 years old.

You were likely sauntering through some entry level job, sleeping in your childhood bedroom with hopes of moving into your own apartment with no dishwasher, coin-operated laundry, and a slight dusting of asbestos, swiping so vigorously through Tinder you developed early-onset arthritis, and consistently rocking Intramural Champion t-shirts from a time when you actually had hope for the future.

At the tender age of 22, Luka Doncic averaged 35.7 points, 10.3 assists, 7.9 rebounds and 1.3 steals per game of his first-round playoff series against the Clippers and is now eligible for a $195 million max extension. The only thing hotter than Luka Doncic at the moment is his mom. Hi.

There is very little you and I have in common with the Slovenian prodigy, outside of the crippling insecurity of putting our nipples on public display.

Paul George requested a jersey swap with Luka after the Clippers finished off the Mavs in Game 7, but it appears Luka was raw-dogging it under that jersey, and bashfully declined.

In the post-game presser, Luka claimed that he ultimately did deliver PG his jersey away from the watchful eye of the public.

Luka, a pro-tip for beach season from someone who spent the past 14 months guzzling IPAs and getting winded walking up a flight of steps:

  1. Stand up straight and pull your shoulder blades back.
  2. When sitting, lean back and rest on your hands. This extends your torso and avoids problematic stomach rolls.
  3. Trim your body hair.

If all else fails, wear a shirt in the water and lie to your loved ones about trying to avoid a sun burn.

You are not alone. We are all just scared and insecure.


Matt Keohan Avatar
Matt’s love of writing was born during a sixth grade assembly when it was announced that his essay titled “Why Drugs Are Bad” had taken first prize in D.A.R.E.’s grade-wide contest. The anti-drug people gave him a $50 savings bond for his brave contribution to crime-fighting, and upon the bond’s maturity 10 years later, he used it to buy his very first bag of marijuana.