Marquette King Had To Be Restrained From Physically Attacking Reporter at Practice

Marquette King doesn’t seem to be getting along well with the Denver media. Yesterday, King got annoyed with local denver sports radio hosts Zach Bye and Brandon Stokley during an on-air interview at camp.

Q: With two weeks of camp how would you summarize it for yourself?

King: Mmm…I don’t know how to summarize it…good? Like a regular practice day.

Q: How’s the transition been with a new team, new locker room moving from Oakland to Denver?

King: Mmm…I don’t know. It’s cool. Got some cool people on the team.

Q: How is your relationship so far with the coaching staff? Getting along well?

King: Yup. Everything’s going good.

Q: You always have a lot of personality, but it doesn’t seem like you have a lot to say right now. You frustrated about something in particular?

King: I just don’t like talking about football. I just do it.

Q: Well, tell us about yourself. Who is Marquette King, what do you like to do, what do you enjoy?

King: I know I like more oxygen.

Q: (Laughs) Is the altitude bothering you a little bit?

King: It gets on my nerves sometimes, but, I mean, it’s my job, so…yeah.

Q: How much are you looking forward to getting to start a week from tomorrow in preseason?

King: Ummm… I mean it’s definitely coming. So…

Host: Alright we’ll leave it at that, thanks for coming by… (King walks away)… Wow!…

After the interview, King took to Twitter to basically tell McKee to suck his dick with this eggplant emoji post.

Today King went after McKee after practice and had to be restrained after hurling several threats at McKee.

Marquette King just came up to me and told me to “keep my name out your mouth”. It’s asked him “or what?” And he said it again in a threatening manner and was escorted by PR back into the building.

Not a good look for King.

Jorge Alonso BroBible avatar
Jorge Alonso is a BroBible Sports Editor who has been covering the NBA, NFL, and MLB professionally for over 10 years, specializing in digital media. He isa Miami native and lifelong Heat fan.