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According to TMZ,
Michael Sam EXPLODED on a guy outside of a West Hollywood club Tuesday night — saying he gives “our community a bad f***ing name” … and warning him he was about to catch an ass whoopin’.
It all went down outside of Bootsy Bellows, where the ex-football player (who’s still in massive, athletic shape) had been hanging out with a group of friends, including EJ Johnson.
But when they got to the cars, Sam and a man in a white shirt began to yell at each other.
“People like f***ing you give our community a bad f***ing name,” Sam roared … before calling the other man a “trifling ass bitch.”
At one point, Sam warns the guy not to put his hands on him — and says what sounds like, “Touch me, I will find that you tried to attack me and I will lay your ass on the ground.”
Eventually, Sam got into a waiting car and left without further incident.
Michael Sam channeling his inner Johnny Manziel: jobless, partying, unnecessary scuffles. The irony of Sam telling someone they’re giving the community a bad name while he hoots and hollers in the streets about something ultimately trivial is obviously lost on the dude. This may be the very last time we hear Michael Sam’s name in the media considering it’s unlikely he’ll be picked up by any team more established than my intramural flag football team. We’re looking for a second string linebacker.
[h/t TMZ]