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Bellator/PFL fighter Johnny Eblen is reacting to the viral video of his model girlfriend threatening to dump him if he loses his fight this weekend.
Earlier this week, Eblen’s girlfriend Instagram model girlfriend Jessenia Rebecca said she would dump him if he loses even though he recently spent $85k on her during Valentine’s Day,
Interviewer: What if he loses?
Jessica Rebecca: Then I’m out
Interviewer: Even though he just spent $85k on you?
Rebecca Yeah, he has to win, he has to win.”
Johnny Eblen has his relationship and a title on the line this weekend … according to his Onlyfans model girlfriend pic.twitter.com/wEe5gjqPk9
— MMA Mania (@mmamania) February 22, 2024
Rebecca doubled down on her comments on Instagram after facing backlash.
“Since when was being honest wrong? Do you think if I stop being attractive or gained a bunch of weight he would be with me? No! He likes me cuz I’m attractive and I like him cuz he’s a CHAMPION. Either one of us can get dumped if we lose the thing that the other found attractive. Let’s start being honest in 2024”
Eblen spoke with Mirror Fighting ahead of his PFL vs Bellator match against Impa Kasanganay and said he wasn’t bothered by his girlfriend’s comments.
Via Mirror Fighting
“People think it puts more pressure on me but it doesn’t. They are going to click on things that they want to click on and people happen to care about that part of my life over the fighting. The only thing I’ve got to do is go out there to fight and whatever happens happens.”