Stephen A. Smith uncorked a take so absurd on First Take that it caused host Molly Qerim to do a spit-take all over the desk. The comment that prompted such a reaction out of Qerim was Smith comparing himself to Patrick Mahomes.
While discussing Patrick Mahomes’ response to the narrative that the Kansas City Chiefs have become the “villains” of the National Football League, analyst Louis Riddick asked why the Chiefs are annoying, prompting former NFL quarterback Dan Orlovsky to reply, “They win.”
Stephen A. Smith then saw this as an opportunity to big-up himself, as he chimed in while Riddick was still talking, cutting him off from over the airwaves.
“I mean, listen, I would know something about that, I’m considered one of the most annoying people in television. Why do you think that is?” Smith pondered, prompting not just uproarious laughter from Riddick and Orlovsky, but a literal spit take from Molly Qerim, something she says she’s never done before in all of her years working alongside SAS.
“I’ve never done this in my kajillion years on TV,” Qerim said as she tried to literally clean up her act. “I spit out straight out my mouth and I apologize to America. Oh my gosh. Stephen A. and I have never gotten along more. Oh my goodness. That was hilarious.”
Stephen A. Smith made sure to back up his opinion of himself with some facts, as he pointed out that First Take is about to have its 13th consecutive year “at number one.”
“April marks 13 consecutive years at number one, baby. I mean this is what we do… Keep on hating ’cause I’m going to keep on winning,” Smith added later.
Qerim has been hosting First Take for almost a decade now, having been named host of the show in September 2015. Prior to ESPN, Qerim began her career at CBS Sports Network and also spent time covering the UFC for NBCSN and FS1.