The Most Common Name In NFL History Is Actually A Name That’s Never Been Heard Before

NFL logo on the field

Getty Image / Ryan Kang

In a sign that we have reached ‘Peak Offseason’ content in the football world, a person has come up with the ‘most common name in NFL history’ by combining the commonalities from the 27,000+ players who have played in the league over the years.

The most common name in NFL history turned out to be Jarne Bareen. If that name sounds unfamiliar it’s because nobody in the league has ever been named Jarne Bareen before, but the logic and math behind what makes it the most common name NFL name is sound.

Redditor DiggingNoMore, presumably a former DIGG user (DIGG was reddit before reddit was reddit), ran the numbers on the most common letter in each spot in a name. He found that ‘J’ is the most common first letter in NFL names. He also found that the most common second letter is ‘A’ and so on and so forth.

55% of NFL players have a 5th letter in their first name but the number drops off to 30% for a 6th letter. And surprise surprise, the most common 5th letter was ‘E’.

Running this experiment out to completion, he found that the most common NFL game is Jarne Bareen but the redditor also created a chart showing the most common first and last names. You can see the most common name on the ‘Most Common Letter’ column to the left:

As someone joked in the comments, any expecting parents out there trying to settle on a name for their children would be wise to name their kid Jarne Bareen. With a name like that they’d be a lock to join the NFL brotherhood, right?

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Cass Anderson is the Editor-in-Chief of BroBible. Based out of Florida, he covers an array of topics including NFL, Pop Culture, Fishing News, and the Outdoors.