Nick Chubb Proves He Isn’t Human By Squatting 500+ Pounds Just Eight Months After Nasty Knee Injury

Nick Chubb Squat Weight Knee Injury
Getty Image / iStockphoto

Nick Chubb is eight months removed from a devastating knee injury that forced an early end to his sixth season in the NFL. Even though the starting running back for the Cleveland Browns is yet to get back on the gridiron in a full capacity, the comeback is almost complete!

He put up massive weight on the squat rack on Friday.

This seems to be a yearly tradition. A freakish video of Chubb in the weight room always seems to hit social media around this time every July. The 28-year-old returns home to Georgia, swings by his old high school, and reminds the world that he is an alien by throwing an absurd amount of plates on the bar.

Although this year’s video is not quite as impressive in terms of total weight, the circumstances of his latest feat makes it his best. Chubb’s recovery is superhuman.

The most recent season-ending knee injury occurred during Week 3 of 2023. He actually suffered a similar “grotesque” injury to the same knee back in 2015. Team Head Physician James Voos, MD, performed two different surgeries to repair damage to Chubb’s medial capsule, meniscus, MCL and ACL at the end of September.

Nick Chubb is built different!

Nobody would’ve blamed him if he decided to hang it up after such a catastrophic injury. Especially since it was his second traumatic injury to the same knee. It would’ve ended a lot of careers.

Chubb is of the opposite mindset. He is determined to come back even stronger and is well on his way.

JOC Films has been following the running back around with a camera over the last 10 months. A documentary about Chubb’s recovery is in the works. Every minute of the process is on camera.

The most recent video shows Chubb squat with a Tsunami bar, which acts as shock absorbers and puts less stress on joints and connective tissues. It is also a little bit harder, because the bar is not as rigid.

He repped 540+ pounds… twice!

Nick Chubb is listed at 5-foot-11, 227 pounds. He squatted more than twice his bodyweight just eight months removed from a reconstructed knee. Put the NFL on notice!

Grayson Weir BroBible editor avatar
Senior Editor at BroBible covering all five major sports and every niche sport imaginable, found primarily in the college space. I don't drink coffee, I wake up jacked.