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A South African appeals court overturned an earlier manslaughter verdict and Olympic athlete Oscar Pistorius has been found guilty of murder.
Pistorius will have to return to court to be re-sentenced, for murder, a charge with a minimum sentence of 15 years in South Africa. Pistorius has been under house arrest for the last two months and living a not-so-bad life for a guy who opened fire on his defenseless girlfriend from behind a door. Even his prison cell is better than most NYC apartments.
There’s also close to zero chance the court will let Pistorius finish out his murder charge at home. “South African law does not make provision for someone to be placed under house arrest for more than five years, so Pistorius will be going back to prison.”
Hopefully Pistorius gets re-acclimated with prison quickly. Get his sea legs back under him.
[via BBC]