Patriots Fan Refuses To Let Deflategate-Obsessed ESPN Use The Photo He Took Of Bill Belichick Sleeping In Public

Five years ago, ESPN signed a deal with the NFL worth $15 billion, the same NFL who wanted to publicly execute Tom Brady for the ultimately unfounded claims that he was the mastermind behind footballs being deflated during a portion of the 2015 AFC Championship. The Patriots routed an inferior Colts team by a score of 45-7. To say that any media organization operates without bias is idealistic bafoonery, never mind one that etched a deal with an organization it covers worth the GDP of a small country.

This was evident in ESPN’s reckless, irresponsible, and at times, flat-out untrue coverage of Deflategate. ESPN’s Chris Mortensen started the seven-month long national news saga by tweeting that 11 of 12 Patriots footballs from the AFC Championship Game were two pounds per square inch under the league-mandated limit. This was entirely false, as only one Patriots football on one of the two gages was two PSI below the threshold. Like a responsible journalist, Mortensen deleted the tweet. But it took him seven months to do so.

Instead of taking its foot off the Deflategate pedal, ESPN continued to instigate the story. Journalist Michael Corcoran revealed that in the first 7 months after the Deflategate scandal blew up, ESPN used the term “Deflategate” in 844 separate articles or videos. Eight hundred and forty four. Oh and how can we forget about this little number ESPN came up with when designing alternative logos for NFL stars.

Remember how I said that media outlets cannot operate without bias, well I’m a Boston guy who didn’t really have to go into the nuances of Deflategate for this post, but, I still have some venting to do. Peyton Manning took steroids.

Anyway, back to the matter at hand.

Patriots fan and Twitter user Adam Markopoulos posted a picture Sunday that shows Patriots coach Bill Belichick and girlfriend Linda Holliday copping some Z’s on the Nantucket ferry. Belichick appears to be sleeping, but I think he’s just extracting data from the heavens about every scheme the Texans will throw at him this week.

Regardless, it’s a funny little picture that shows a typically stoic Belichick showing some vulnerability while his lady lays on him like they just got plastered after prom night.

ESPN, who cockily deems themselves the Worldwide Leader in Sports, had the balls to ask Adam to use his picture in what I assume is their 1 billionth Deflategate article. Adam stood strong for Pats Nation.

His deed did not go unnoticed among Patriots fans worldwide.

Thank you Adam for delivering ESPN a small mushroom stamp for months of criminal reporting.

[h/t CBS Sports]

Matt Keohan Avatar
Matt’s love of writing was born during a sixth grade assembly when it was announced that his essay titled “Why Drugs Are Bad” had taken first prize in D.A.R.E.’s grade-wide contest. The anti-drug people gave him a $50 savings bond for his brave contribution to crime-fighting, and upon the bond’s maturity 10 years later, he used it to buy his very first bag of marijuana.