Patriots Fans Crash The Seahawks Museum In Seattle, Continue To Rub Super Bowl Win In Seahawks Fans Faces

It’s been almost four months since the New England Patriots hoisted the Lombardi Trophy after the most heart attack-inducing Super Bowl in recent memory. I think the City of Boston is still drunk from the victory parade. Meanwhile, New England Patriots fans have found some amusing ways of rubbing the win in Seahawks fans faces, months later.

After the Super Bowl, we told you about a group of Boston Bros living in L.A. who managed to sneak into the Patriots after-party and chill with Robert Kraft. That same group is up to some similar shenanigans, most recently crashing the Seahawks Museum — home to many-a vomit-inducing 12th Man references and the team’s 2014 Lombardi Trophy. They proceeded to troll fans in their sacred sanctuary with “Go Pats” Post-Its. Here’s the story, via Bos Angeles:

Landon Collins, a die hard Pats fan and LA native visited the Seahawks Museum up in Seattle last week and proudly, pissed all over it. Landon and his wife decided to take a train ride up the coast last week and tour around some sad somber Seattle sights.

Landon, a graffiti artist by heart and piano tuner by trade decided, screw it..Lets go tag the Seahawks Museum since they so cockily built a museum thinking they’d win again..

In true BosAngeles style, he refused to pay the $30 ticket price and snuck in the exit while his wife (from Foxborough, MA aka Gods Country) covered security.

Here’s what happened, according to BosAngeles, a Boston sports fan site for those living in Los Angeles:

First item, a wall of post-its you can write notes to Richard Sherman and Pete “wish I had stayed in New England” Carroll.

They then proceeded to plaster “Go Pats” Post-It notes all over the museum:

“Sick flag, Bro.”


“Sick football. Looks like you guys were planning on putting something else there?”

Eventually security caught on to the whole gag but not without the kid screaming “Fuck the Seahawks” as security escorted him out of the building.

#PatsNation stand up. #BosAngeles

Brandon Wenerd is BroBible's publisher, helping start this site in 2009. He lives in Los Angeles and likes writing about music and culture. His podcast is called the Mostly Occasionally Show, featuring interviews with artists and athletes, along with a behind-the-scenes view of BroBible. Read more of his work at Email: