Penn State takes the #MannequinChallenge to the next level 💯 (via @ooFUTURISTICoo)
— Bleacher Report (@BleacherReport) November 7, 2016
The Mannequin Challenge is the Internet’s latest and greatest sensation a la The Harlem Shake and Icing and “Whattttttt arrrrrreeee thoooooosssssseeee?!” It’s pretty damn easy to do for sports teams, too — While Rae Sremmurd’s new jam “Black Beatles” plays in the background, you assume a dramatic pose like a department store mannequin.
The best one to date is probably the Penn State football team’s #MannequinChallenge on Saturday night after beating Iowa at Beaver Stadium. Meanwhile, a bunch of other teams and programs are all about the meme, which is set to slowly take over the Internet in the coming weeks:
THS Student Section #MannequinChallenge
— Cob{y}Web (@woahcobyiscool) November 4, 2016
I *liked* the Harlem Shake and I’m glad to see a meme come back similar to it. You’re cool with me, #MannequinChallenge.