Phil Mickelson Had A Hilarious Explanation For Wearing A Dress Shirt At The Players Championship

Phil Mickelson tpc sawgrass button up shirt

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The Players Championship might be the only PGA Tour event where you can bet on whether or not a golfer will hit their ball into the water, which in turn makes it one of my favorites. The tournament kicked off yesterday and saw Tiger Woods and Phil Mickelson paired with each other for the first time in four years— but that storyline was overshadowed by something much more important: Mickelson wearing a button-up shirt on the golf course.

The unofficial rules of golf dictate you wear either a polo or a cardigan complemented by a sharp pair of slacks while on the course, but Mickelson decided to shun tradition and don a dress shirt when walking the links at Sawgrass on Thursday. He recently partnered with Mizzen and Main and agreed to wear their attire on the course as part of the deal. The reaction to his taste in fashion has been fairly split, but there are at least a few people out there who can respect the vision.

Regardless of how you feel about the look, you have to respect Mickelson for somehow managing to make golf stuffier than it already is. I’ll admit I was initially a hater after hearing his motivation for the partnership, which might be the most golf quote in history:

However, after hearing what he said about the shirt after yesterday’s round, I’ve had a sudden change of heart. There aren’t many things I respect more than someone who is willing to embrace their flaws, and that’s exactly what Mickelson did when he revealed the real reason he’s rocking the button-up:

I can’t wait for Phil to ink a deal with a company that makes wallets capable of holding way too many things.