Ravens running back Mark Ingram aka Big Truss is Lamar Jackson’s #1 hype man.
A few weeks ago, Ingram introduced Lamar Jackson to the podium with an amazing speech threatening to fight anyone who doesn’t think Jackson was the MVP.
Get you a hype man like Mark Ingram 😂
(via @Ravens)pic.twitter.com/LupRB6Wtaj
— Yahoo Sports (@YahooSports) November 17, 2019
After the Ravens beat the Jets on Thursday Night Football, Ingram gave a hilarious postgame interview with Jackson.
"Hell yeah! I mean heck yeah!"
STOP EVERYTHING YOU ARE DOING AND WATCH THIS POSTGAME INTERVIEW NOW.@Ravens | @ErinAndrews | @Lj_era8 | @markingram21 pic.twitter.com/z6L0IAZTka
— FOX Sports: NFL (@NFLonFOX) December 13, 2019
Mark Ingram: RB, hype man, sideline reporter #NYJvsBAL pic.twitter.com/S2iXfEULN6
— NOTSportsCenter (@NOTSportsCenter) December 13, 2019
Ingram impressed the Internet with his sideline reporting skills.
Yoo Why they let Mark Ingram get the Mic 😂😂😂 “aye judon hit the crank” ! 😂
— Brother2ThaNite (@DshizNick) December 13, 2019
Somebody get Mark Ingram an analyst job lined up after he retires. Guy is entertaining with a mic.
— Lance Fowler (@LanceFowlerr) December 13, 2019
Mark Ingram is life man. Killed Erin Andrews job in half.
— Troy Johnson Jr (@TroySports1) December 13, 2019