Restaurant Owner Denies Odell Beckham Jr. Was Involved In Alleged Assault

Odell Beckham Jr

Getty Image / Megan Briggs

A report surfaced on Friday morning that new Baltimore Ravens wide receiver Odell Beckham Jr. was named in an assault investigation tied to a restaurant in Los Angeles.

The owner of that restaurant has since come out to deny that Odell Bekcham Jr. was involved and claims they’ve reviewed the evidence to back up that claim.

TMZ Sports published an article at 4 AM EST stating ‘Odell Beckham Jr. Named In Assault Investigation … WR Denies Allegation’. The report mentions a woman who claims OBJ walked up to her and put his hand around her neck.

An article published this morning by Mike Florio on PFT named the ‘LA Hotspot’ as Delilah, the same restaurant former NFL Network analyst Willie McGinest was at when he was charged with 2 felonies.

A rep for Odell Beckham Jr. says he did not put his hands on anyone’s throat, according to TMZ Sports, and the owner of Delilah told Mike Florio OBJ was not involved at all. Saying:

“We were contacted about an investigation and reviewed the videos, the claim is false. There is no evidence of this person even being in the area where she claims the incident occurred.”

This could be a matter of semantics. Without having eyes on the police report from the incident that allegedly happened a few weeks ago, it’s unclear what ‘involved’ even means.

It is possible that Odell Beckham Jr. was named as a person at that location, but the report on TMZ Sports specifically states “a woman says 30-year-old OBJ went up to her and grabbed her throat with light pressure.” So the semantics argument crumbles before it can really get going.

At this time, we have a rep for Odell denying any involvement and the owner of the restaurant with full access to security camera footage saying the same. So it seems unlikely this story will develop any further.

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Cass Anderson is the Editor-in-Chief of BroBible. Based out of Florida, he covers an array of topics including NFL, Pop Culture, Fishing News, and the Outdoors.