Resurfaced Laser Tag Story About Jim Harbaugh Is One Of The Funniest Things You’ll Read Today

Resurfaced Laser Tag Story About Jim Harbaugh Is One Of The Funniest Things You'll Read Today

Getty Image / Justin Casterline

  • ESPN’s Mina Kimes responded to a Max Homa tweet about playing laser tag that resurfaced an old story about Jim Harbaugh
  • It’s an old story from Jim Harbaugh’s bachelor party where he systematically won the game in a hilarious fashion
  • Read more Jim Harbaugh stories here

There was a time in America when laser tag was popular. At least I think there was. I was always more of a paintball fan as a kid but laser tag had its heyday in the 90s and 00s. So much so that Michigan Wolverines head coach Jim Harbaugh spent his bachelor party playing laser tag which led to a truly hilarious story.

This story was resurfaced on Twitter when ESPN’s Mina Kimes responded to a tweet from PGA professional golfer Max Homa about laser tag. Max believes that “o point have any men outgrown the joys of laser tag” and it turns out, that’s true, at least based on the Jim Harbaugh story.

Harbaugh has a reputation for being a bit crazy. Nebraska’s Scott Frost recently confirmed that. Now, here’s how it all played out with Max’s tweet, Mina’s response, and then someone swooping in with the Jim Harbaugh story from 8+ years ago.

Resurfaced Laser Tag Story About Jim Harbaugh Is Truly Hilarious

Mina’s comment about feeling bad for sitting and sniping off kids unlocked the memory of this epic Jim Harbaugh moment in history.

Here’s that story via SportressOfBlogitude circa 2014:

When the fake smoke cleared and the game wrapped, it was revealed that Captain Comeback recorded more “kills” than anyone else in the party. Harbaugh won. Because he always wins. But upon further examination of where each person’s shots came from, it became clear why he won in such a landslide.

“All his shots came against this 10-year-old kid,” laughs Eric Bakhtiari, who played for Harbaugh in college and in the NFL with the 49ers. “He just sat there, hunting this 10-year-old kid so he could win.

“(He’s crazy), but in the best way possible. I mean, hey, Steve Jobs was crazy, too.”

To be a fly on the wall in that room. And get to see Jim Harbaugh so competitive at laser tag at his bachelor party that he hunted down a 10-year-old kid to pad his stats. It’s not too different from what Michigan does to Northwestern and Indiana every year.

Best Reactions To This Old Harbaugh Story

We need a ’30 for 30′ on Jim Harbaugh’s bachelor party. It has to be done. The world needs to see Jim Harbaugh and his friends talking about that legendary laser tag match and the depths of Jim’s competitiveness.

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Cass Anderson is the Editor-in-Chief of BroBible and a graduate from Florida State University with nearly two decades of expertise in writing about Professional Sports, Fishing, Outdoors, Memes, Bourbon, Offbeat and Weird News, and as a native Floridian he shares his unique perspective on Florida News. You can reach Cass at