Rugby Player Goes Viral After A Photo Surfaces Showing His Penis Almost Being Ripped Off During Match

Haydn Peacock, yes that’s his real name, is a professional Irish rugby player living in France and he’s recently gone viral after a photograph shows his penis nearly getting ripped off during a match. And I don’t mean that another player was merely jerking his dingaling around on the pitch, I’m saying that his dong was almost ripped off and he needed 11 stitches to save his penis from certain death.

The photo first circulated on local newspapers and has subsequently made it to other news outlets like the Daily Mail, and after a quick glance at the pic below you’ll see why:

That’s the money shot right there. The photographer was somehow able to capture Haydn Peacock’s most excruciatingly painful moment in life.

via Daily Mail:

‘He (the opposition player) made a tackle by reaching out and grabbing my d***, he got a hold of my d*** with one hand and pulled me down,’ Peacock said.
The excruciating injury required Peacock to have 11 stitches inserted and get heavily strapped for the next game.
‘The coach wanted me to go out and buy a cup but I’m not going to play with a cup. I wouldn’t of been able to run,’ Peacock said.

I get that these rugby players are grabbing for anything and everything to take a player down…but if you feel a handful of dick when making a tackle you just need to let go. Release that grip, stand up, apologize, and walk away for tearing the manhood of a fellow athlete. It’s just not right.

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Cass Anderson is the Editor-in-Chief of BroBible and a graduate from Florida State University with nearly two decades of expertise in writing about Professional Sports, Fishing, Outdoors, Memes, Bourbon, Offbeat and Weird News, and as a native Floridian he shares his unique perspective on Florida News. You can reach Cass at