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Movie director and famous Knicks superfan Spike Lee is the latest celebrity to beef with Knicks owner James Dolan and it looks like things are going to get ugly.
Before Monday night’s Rockets-Knicks game at The Garden, a video circulated on the Internet that showed Lee getting into a confrontation with arena security.
Director Spike Lee denied entry to MSG. Rumors are circulating that MSG CEO James Dolan didn’t want the famed director to enter. #SpikeLee #MSG pic.twitter.com/0gZVaHDXBP
— BroTalkLive (@brotalklive) March 3, 2020
Apparently, Lee attempted to use the employee entrance to Madison Square Garden and was denied access by security.
A Knicks' spokesperson confirmed that it is "untrue" that Lee was ever asked to leave the Garden on Monday Night. According to the spokesperson, there was a mix up over which entrance Lee should enter through.
— Malika Andrews (@malika_andrews) March 3, 2020
More on Spike Lee at MSG – He spoke to Jim Dolan at halftime and the issue was resolved. He is still here in the fourth quarter in his seat. Spike had tried to enter through the employee entrance.
— Brian Mahoney (@briancmahoney) March 3, 2020
I’ve seen Spike Lee enter MSG at 8 Penn Plaza (the employee entrance) 100’s of times over the years. That’s also the entrance the media uses.
— Frank Isola (@TheFrankIsola) March 3, 2020
On Tuesday morning, Lee went on ESPN’s First Take to tell his side of the story and claims the Knicks owner is harassing him for some reason.
The part of the Knicks’ statement that Lee said was untrue: Owner Jim Dolan and Lee shook hands and were smiling. “I wasn’t shaking hands, in fact when he came over I didn’t get up right away… I said Mr. Dolan, I’ve come in the same entrance 28 yrs. Why wasn’t I notified?”
— Malika Andrews (@malika_andrews) March 3, 2020
"I'm being harassed by James Dolan and I don't know why."
—Spike Lee pic.twitter.com/ca28qHYN63
— First Take (@FirstTake) March 3, 2020
Lee, who says he spends $300k a year on Knicks tickets, will not be attending any more games this season.
Spike Lee's response when finding out he spends roughly $300K a year on Knicks tickets and has given them almost $10M over 30 years:
"I look stupid now." pic.twitter.com/hmuMJttA4u
— ESPN (@espn) March 3, 2020
"Not this year … I'm done."
You won't see Spike Lee at another Knicks game this season, according to him. pic.twitter.com/jdcNLBeopC
— First Take (@FirstTake) March 3, 2020
Update: The Knicks have fired back at Lee’s claims and are calling his allegations “laughable”.
The Knicks’ statement on Spike Lee: pic.twitter.com/vStoXkBbPr
— Marc Stein (@TheSteinLine) March 3, 2020
New York Knicks Statement on Spike Lee pic.twitter.com/19JcvhFKO7
— NY_KnicksPR (@NY_KnicksPR) March 3, 2020