Tarpon Fishing In Florida Is GOING OFF And We’ve Just Had Our First Crazy Hammerhead Shark Encounter Of The Year

The tarpon fishing in Southwest Florida turned on over the past two weeks and guides from Ft. Myers to Tampa Bay have been chasing the Silver King every morning and evening, in hopes of landing one of the most sought after fish in Florida. If you’ve never been tarpon fishing before there are basically three things you need to know: (1) it typically involves waking up before sunrise and getting into position as the fish come schooling up the beach at the ass crack of dawn, (2) fighting a tarpon is one of the most thrilling experiences in fishing, these fish grow up to 300-pounds and put on an acrobatics display you wouldn’t believe, and (3) when the tarpon show up so do the sharks, specifically the hammerhead sharks. You see, to hammerhead sharks tarpon are like the equivalent of steak to the rest of us, it’s their favorite food. So what ends up happening are pictures and videos surfacing of hammerhead sharks absolutely annihilating tarpon in Florida, pictures like these ones below from Captain Will Osborne out of Anna Maria Island.

Let’s break down the action shots here…The tarpon jumping from a distance:

The angler fighting the tarpon:

The aftermath:

Want to book a tarpon fishing charter of your own? CLICK HERE to head on over to Captain will Osborne Fishing Charter’s Facebook Page where he has his phone number listed for booking inquiries.

To see video of this enormous hammerhead shark going ham on that tarpon you can click on over to Baynews9.com, who have for whatever reason decided against making that video embeddable or available to the public. In the meantime though here’s an head of what it looks like when a shark goes in on a tarpon:

Cass Anderson BroBible headshot and avatar
Cass Anderson is the Editor-in-Chief of BroBible and a graduate from Florida State University with nearly two decades of expertise in writing about Professional Sports, Fishing, Outdoors, Memes, Bourbon, Offbeat and Weird News, and as a native Floridian he shares his unique perspective on Florida News. You can reach Cass at cass@brobible.com