Band Member Takes Break From Playing Tuba To KO Heckler, Continues Playing Like Nothing Happened

Band members walk onto the field during the halftime performance.


A Texas Southern band member was videotaped punching a heckling fan during the Tigers’ matchup with Jackson State. He did so mid-performance, hardly taking a break from playing his tuba.

The clip has now gone viral, sparking a reaction from a number of college football fans.

In the video, you can see the fan shouting at the band member before the Texas Southern performer throws three vicious jabs his way. That heckler was then taken to the ground by a fellow fan.

The tuba player then picks up right where he left off in the song. A true professional.

Fans were quick to comment.

“Marching band turns into marching hands.”

“Nah getting snuffed by a Tuba player mid song is WILD!”

“He just went back to playing like nothing happened.”

“He gave him a four-piece combo with a biscuit and no drink.”

According to the original poster, this was not the first interaction between the Texas Southern band member and the fan.

“Apparently he kept messing with that tuba player and mouthing off,” she wrote when asked what the altercation was about. “To be honest, I don’t blame him because that’s dangerous for person to invade that tuba player’s space.”

As for the game, Texas Southern would fall 21-19 to move to 2-7 on the season.

Jacob Elsey BroBible avatar
BroBible writer. Jacob is a graduate of the University of South Carolina and is based in Charleston, SC.