WOOOOOOO! Check Out The Trailer For ‘Nature Boy,’ The Ric Flair ESPN 30 For 30 Documentary


The Rolex-wearing, diamond ring-wearing, kiss stealing (Woooo!), wheelin dealin, limousine riding, jet flying son of a gun is getting his own 30 for 30! That’s right, ESPN’s “Nature Boy” documentary about the one and only Ric Flair isn’t coming out until sometime next year, but the trailer has been released.

Director Rory Karpf, who was behind other 30 For 30s “I Hate Christian Laettner” and “The Book Of Manning,” had this to say about the project:

“The interview subjects for the film already banked include multiple interviews with Flair, all three of Flair’s living children including daughter Ashley, who wrestles in the WWE under the name of Charlotte, and a host of retired or active wrestlers including Sting, Triple H, The Undertaker, Shawn Michaels, Mick Foley, Ricky Steamboat, and Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard, the pair with whom Flair and Ole Anderson formed The Four Horseman. Other interviews include Hall of Fame announcer Jim Ross, former WCW head Eric Bischoff, as well as Flair’s first wife, Leslie. Karpf said his production group had interviewed 43 subjects as of this writing.

“It was great to hear from Ric’s family, mainly his three children, to get an entirely different side of Ric beyond the ‘Nature Boy’ persona,” Karpf said. “Ric’s first wife Leslie was interviewed and to my knowledge this is the first time she ever granted an interview on camera. She was able to provide a great deal of insight into Ric’s college years and who he was before he was the ‘Nature Boy.’ I think Shawn Michaels and Triple H provided the best insight on Ric in and out of the ring. They seem to know him better than anyone and were very forthcoming. It was also awesome to get an interview with The Undertaker (real name: Mark Calaway) out of character.”

The 90-minute doc will feature interviews from 43 people including Sting, Triple H, The Undertaker, Shawn Michaels, Mick Foley, Jim Ross, Eric Bischoff, Ricky Steamboat, and Four Horsemen Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard, and Flair’s children (which includes WWE star Charlotte).